PhD Project, supervised by Tobias Schlicht (RUB):


From July 2023 onwards, I'm investigating how organisms are coupled to their environment and in how far this involves cognitive processes. In doing so, I benefit greatly from the vibrant research environment in Bochum, particularly in Tobias Schlicht's team "Philosophy of Consciousness & Cognition".
Furthermore, I'm associated with the RTG Situated Cognition - you can find out more about my project and related ones here.


Organising a Reading Group:

In 2021, I initiated an international reading group on "Basic Principles of Cognition". Each month, we discuss recent papers on basal cognition and related topics remotely oftentimes with the authors themselves. Feel free to get in touch if you're interested in joining us!


Organised Events:

24-26/07/2023 6th Early Career Researchers Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, Hybrid, Bochum
Co-organised with Alexander Hölken (RUB)

WS 2023-24 Basal Cognition Lecture Series, Hybrid, Bochum
Co-organised with Matthew Sims & Tobias Schlicht (RUB)


Since February 2024, I get to review applications for PR.INT funding from the RUB Research School.


Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP)

German Society for Philosophy (DGPhil)

German Society for Cognitive Science (GK)



caroline <dot> stankozi <at> rub <dot> de


Department of Philosophy II
Ruhr University Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
GAFO 04/979
DE-44780 Bochum