PhD Project, supervised by Tobias Schlicht (RUB):
From July 2023 onwards, I'm investigating how organisms are coupled to their environment and in how far this involves cognitive processes. In doing so, I benefit greatly from the vibrant research environment in Bochum, particularly in Tobias Schlicht's team "Philosophy of Consciousness & Cognition".
Furthermore, I'm associated with the RTG Situated Cognition - you can find out more about my project and related ones here.
Organising a Reading Group:
In 2021, I initiated an international reading group on "Basic Principles of Cognition". Each month, we discuss recent papers on basal cognition and related topics remotely – oftentimes with the authors themselves. Feel free to get in touch if you're interested in joining us!
Organised Events:
24-26/07/2023 6th Early Career Researchers Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, Hybrid, Bochum
Co-organised with Alexander Hölken (RUB)
WS 2023-24 Basal Cognition Lecture Series, Hybrid, Bochum
Co-organised with Matthew Sims & Tobias Schlicht (RUB)
Since February 2024, I get to review applications for PR.INT funding from the RUB Research School.
Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP)
German Society for Philosophy (DGPhil)
German Society for Cognitive Science (GK)
caroline <dot> stankozi <at> rub <dot> de
Department of Philosophy II
Ruhr University Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
GAFO 04/979
DE-44780 Bochum